LegalEase Intranet

Role& Goal

UX Designer | Researcher | Team Collaborator

To design a secure and efficient intranet system that addresses information management, workflow automation, and document organization for a small law firm.

Centralizing workflows and enhancing collaboration for small legal teams.

Problem Statement

  • The law office relied on manual processes and non-centralized tools like Excel and File Explorer.

  • Challenges included workflow delays, difficulty tracking progress, and risks associated with manual data backup.

  • Stakeholders emphasized the need for a centralized, secure intranet to streamline workflows and improve collaboration.

Key Features:

Design Process


I conducted interviews with key stakeholders, including the office manager, legal assistants, law clerk, and lawyer, to understand the organization’s workflows and pain points.

Key Findings:

  1. Fragmented Information Storage: Data was spread across Excel sheets and File Explorer, making it difficult to track clients and transactions.

  2. Manual Processes: Tasks like client intake, document preparation, and tracking were handled manually, leading to inefficiencies.

  3. Data Security Concerns: No automated backups or access controls exposed sensitive client data to risk.

  4. Workflow Bottlenecks: No system existed for managing task progress or deadlines.

This project allowed me to:

  • Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to align business goals with user needs.

  • Address real-world challenges through thoughtful design and iterative testing.

  • Deliver a functional, user-friendly prototype that meets industry standards for security and compliance.

